Empower Your Skin, Beauty Revolution!

Natural, water-free, made in France and upcycled ingredients

Gamme de soin solide sans eau vegan et bio

Every natural has a story

maison dakōta thinks differently. We are creating a new way to produce and consume high-quality skin care products. Yes, because we love our planet, and we want to protect it, as much as we want to preserve the health of young and future generations, we have an ambition: to develop in France a natural, solid, water-free, and ecofriendly range from naturel, microbiome and upcycled active ingredients. But what makes it special? To make your life simpler, we have imagined a completely new format, inspired by a lipstick pacakging. You can easily take them everywhere, at any time, at the cutting edge and for one goal: to take care of your skin anytime and anywhere it needs.

Soin contour des yeux solide sans eau vegan et bio

Our brand

gamme soin solide vegan bio et design chic

Each skin is sensitive, each face is unique. We care and commit to  it. That is the reason why we thought of natural, microbiome and water-free formulas with concentrated and carefully selected active ingredients.

Our products

contour des yeux soin solide vegan bio sans eau
Eye contour
soin du visage vegan bio sans eau
Facial care

Our range embodies a real commitment. Yes, maison dakōta has thought of natural, microbiome and upcycled products that respect your face: solid, water-free, efficient and rechargeable.

parfum solide soin vegan bio sans eau chic
EnergyZen perfume
baume à lèvres soin sans eau vegan bio
Lip Balm

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Wakan Tanka

Our inspiration: the totem animals

maison dakōta gets its daily inspiration from the ancestral native American culture. It is another way to maintain a privileged link to nature. Like the hunter-gatherers, we respect it, we protect it. We therefore limit our use of resources to the bare minimum and make sobriety our mantra. That is what motivates us to develop products that are above all, respectful of our planet, its people and faces. Because together, we have an ambition: to preserve the future and that of future generations.

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